I noticed tonight on my dashboard for my ZIR000 motion sensor that it displays a red dot to the left of the ARM button. In the past the button has always been green. Any reason for the color change? The sensor has been set to ARM mode since installation this past weekend.
Ok, the red dot has now turned back to green. Does that mean there was some type of communication issue between Vera and the sensor? If so, would this been captured in a log (and which one)?
I assumed that green means idle and red means tripped if the sensor was armed.
This may sound obvious but does it change colour if you trigger the armed sensor and then change back again after about a two minute delay?
My sensor isn’t working as mentioned in my other post and the green dot stays green
This is more of a UI issue, but just changing between red/green will cause accessibility issues for people with red/green colorblindness (or whatever the correct term is).
[quote=“Jeremy, post:3, topic:164105”]I assumed that green means idle and red means tripped if the sensor was armed.
This may sound obvious but does it change colour if you trigger the armed sensor and then change back again after about a two minute delay?[/quote]
Whatever the behavior is suppose to be, it is not consistent. I’ve tripped it and it has stayed green and other times when it hasn’t been tripped it sometimes is red.
The green dot means the sensor is not tripped. When you trip it, Vera is notified immediately and handles the event right away. The web page (the browser) does a refresh every 20 seconds or so where it re-requests the current device status from Vera. Normally the PIR sensors stay in their ‘tripped state’ for a couple minutes. Therefore if the sensor is tripped, you should see the red light on the PIR come on, and within 20-30 seconds, the dot should change red, and then a couple minutes later when the sensor goes back to idle, the dot goes to green again.
Note that the PIR only wakes up once every 4 hours to allow Vera to configure it, and it won’t work until Vera does. So after you add it you may need to wait several hours before it works. To see if Vera did successfully configure it, click the + sign next to it and look at the field: Configured at This is the date when Vera successfully configured the device. If this is a recent date, the sensor is configured, and therefore it should be reporting events. We just made a change to the firmware we’ll release soon so there’s a Z-Wave options button which has a ‘apply config now’. If you remove and reinsert the batteries on the PIR it stays ‘awake’ for a minute or so to allow configuration, and if you click that button during that time, Vera can configure it right away without waiting several hours, and you see a live status window on the configuration process.
So, the first thing I’d recommend is letting us know if the ‘Configured at’ shows the sensor is configured. If not, then for sure the sensor won’t do anything. The default behavior for the sensor is to do nothing when it’s tripped. If it is configured, you should be 100% sure it really is being tripped (ie you see the red light on the PIR light up). The PIR’s can be finicky sometimes to trip. Put it in a drawer, and leave it there for 5 minutes to be sure the sensor settles. Then open the drawer, confirm the light goes red, and see if it trips.
You can also login to vera and do this to see in realtime Vera’s events/commands: tail -f /var/log/cmh/DCERouter.log