Clarification of forum contributors being banned

We have clear evidence and he broke the forum rules. Thats all I have to say in this topic.
thank you.

If it was clear evidence then I and others would be able see it. You have nothing and you just didn’t like akbooer funny remark about bicycle wheels falling of.


Here’s another top contributor, @slelieveld a/k/a ‘Sender’, who learned his lesson the hard way… banished forever from the Forum. Seems he had overly strong beliefs about product pricing and subscription fees, but most egregiously posted them under the wrong topic as well. Be warned!

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People are entitled to their opinions and Akbooer was entitled to his opinion and expression of that opinion. That had nothing to do with what he did to break our forum rules by farming our forums and redirecting our users to other sites, which is what spammers do.

To re-iterate, anyone who breaks the forum rules will be banned.

Show us these post of him driving others to other forums, please.

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Its a real shame he was a great contributor to the forum. I guess his apps will probably be pulled too.

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I already answered this question.
I refer you to my previous post.

Yes its a shame he was doing that and wasn’t considerate enough not to siphon off our users from our own forums. Its shameful act tbh.

So is cancel culture but its your playground.

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Again i ask to see these posts as there are none i can find.

If this secret evidence from some unnamed person is a PM, i do hope you banned the provider of the evidence for breaking forum rules to, as it is against forum rules to share private PM’s

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without rules, it becomes wild wild west. Rules are clear and huge majority follow it…anyone breaks the rules are not special people where they are above the rules…

With all due respect, you’ve broken the forum rules on several occasions with your own posts that have clearly been rude, uncivil, and disrespectful. Sir.


With out due process and evidence , it is just a kangaroo court, with a hangin judge.


You all are entitled to your opinions.
expressing your opinion in a civil way does not break the forum rules.

I don’t disagree rules are needed and if they are broken then there needs to be discipline. I would just hope those disciplinary decisions are based on actual evidence and fact and not on emotions. It’s your company and you are passionate about it, as you should be but I have seen some very unprofessional comments come from you that seem to stem from emotion and opinion. If you say you have evidence of such then so be it, we will have to trust that is the case. However, I think some of your previous reactions are what is causing people to doubt you answer.
That is just my opinion.


Agreed, but what happens on this forum is not discipline,. It is summary judgement and the only sentence is 1000 year ban.

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If it was based on emotions, then look at the above posts, there would be a lot more people banned :slight_smile:
No need for emotions, just processes and rules, thats how we bring sanity. Otherwise emotions will also get us to wild wild west land :slight_smile:

As to my “responses” that you might find “emotional”… I do “respond” not “start”. I dish back what i get served. If I get punched, I punch back! You can expect that from me :slight_smile: You can’t point to a single post where I started a thread with negative emotional post. I challenge you to find one pls.

I do “respond” not “start”. I dish back what i get served. If I get punched, I punch back!

If you do it in a Civil and Professional manner as you say I don’t have a problem with it either but I know I have seen responses that are far from civil and are unprofessional and someone else mentioned it as well.

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Melih, I and many other forum members feel that when criticism is brought to the table it’s met with a very defensive and rude tone. I understand you may feel very strongly about the choice you and other Ezlo employees have made, however if someone takes the time out to give a suggestion regardless even if its “right” or “wrong” in your eyes I do believe a professional response is needed. The way this forum has been going in recent times it’s pushing away key members of the small community we have left. Look at the activity on these forums it’s gone down a lot. With DIY home controller solutions like these, the community is crucial. I hope you reconsider banning someone next time and try to put yourself in their shoes first.