Chamberlain/Liftmaster MyQ Plugin

Thanks for the work on this. Oddly my garage door doesn’t show up but the two a family member shared with me did when implemented.

Hi All - I just added the MyQ Hub to the garage. I loaded the plug-in and it seems like it was successful. It created a device, but there are no controls associated with the device itself.
App id :7386
Current Version:2.2
Latest Version 2.2

I added a device and it seemed like that worked.
Config: start configuration. This should not take more than 2 minutes.
Config: found device: 65 for app: 7386
Config: waiting app data for app: 7386
Config: found app data.
Config: config data was not found. Waiting for it…
Config: found config data.
Config: checking if user attention is required.
Config: Device doesn’t need configuration. Click Back to return to app list.
Config: it is now safe to exit this screen.

The problem is I don’t see any controls to control the door. What am I doing wrong?

Hi - how did you get it working? I am still having issues. I get an error when trying add username and password.

I don’t think I did anything special. After manually uploading the files via the Luup files upload. I just went to create device and set the values manually.
Here’s the info in my device params that you set manually when creating a device.
device_type: urn:schemas-macrho-com:device:MyQGateway:1
Upnp device_file: D_MyQGateway.xml
Upnp implementation filename/impl_file: I_MyQGateway.xml

After the device was created and I entered my credentials, I think it took a bit for the doors to show up. Also, I really haven’t played around with this as it actually pulled up a shared device controller I have access to, the doors are there though with status. Quickly looking into the code I can see how this happened. It’s only designed for a single device.

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Thanks for the comments, everyone. Somehow I had community notifications turned off so lost track of this thread. To be clear, I do not plan to provide ongoing support for this, it was time spent for selfish purposes but thought I could at least contribute back the new auth flow since it was a PITA to implement. Feel free to fork the repo and add more features.

Can you direct me for how to install the new files? Thanks

Got it, Followed the upload idea and it worked. thanks

With the Myq app not working had to install the fix. as stated recently. Now back to same issue. Cannot control door with ELAN, it shows up and has been assigned. Not sure what I am missing.?

Hi, I installed the ncwoody fix and got this working with my Chamberlin Garage doors. I’m not sure if I have it totally set up correctly as now I am missing the icons I used to have for the garage doors on the two garage door devices. Did I miss a step? or is this the way they look with the fix. The just say the name (Garage Door 1) and there is a simple slider switch, closed or open.

Can anyone let me know what their icons look like?

Thanks in advance.

@ncwoody the text always says closing or opening and the icons do not show up on either the switch or the app. i tried to fart around with the code im not good at this would you be interested in updating it. it does work to open the door still

I stumbled across this plugin and was trying to get it working.

I think there’s some issues with the code in GitHub.

First thing I noticed is in the createIcons function:

  if (not self:find(fPath..fName)) then

There is no “find”. I changed the code to call file_exists() and I get past this issue.

Next issue though is that I can’t seem to set the username/password.

I get the following:

08 01/06/23 11:19:33.749 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest device: 352 service: urn:macrho-com:serviceId:MyQGateway1 action: SetUsernamePassword <0x71cdb520>
08 01/06/23 11:19:33.749 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument DeviceNum=352 <0x71cdb520>
08 01/06/23 11:19:33.750 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument serviceId=urn:macrho-com:serviceId:MyQGateway1 <0x71cdb520>
08 01/06/23 11:19:33.750 JobHandler_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest argument action=SetUsernamePassword <0x71cdb520>
02 01/06/23 11:19:33.750 Device_LuaUPnP::HandleActionRequest 352 none of the 1 implementations handled it <0x71cdb520>

I set the username and password manually by editing the variables and after doing that things seem to work.

This is VeraEdge UI7, Liftmaster 8500 with the 828lm.

I control two garage doors with a Minoston MP21Z outlet, in turn with a 5VDC USB charger, then a USB cable to an Arduino Nano paired with a dry contact relay. The Arduino has a trivial amount of code to a) create a 300msec delays after power up, then b) pulse the relay contacts for 250-300msec. The relay NO contacts go to the door switch.

I have a scene that looks for (triggered) the Minostron turning on then 30 seconds later turns it off.

So you open or close the garage door by turning on that Minostron. I have a camera that sees both doors so I know if the garage door is open or closed. I prefer visual confirmation of the door over a sensor. I have one of these setups (Minoston/USB Charger/Arduino/Relay) for each garage door. About $40/door if you had to buy everything.

Granted a bit MacGyverish and surely not as elegant as a highly integrated solution, but its been stable for a few years now. The Arduino/Relay is important for a few reasons: it allows a short pulse to GDOpener so with my MyQ wall panel/switch it doesn’t reset (durations over 700msec will reset the door pad) and it is a local failsafe in case Vera doesn’t perform the off command (since the relay only pulses once then not again until power cycled).

Hi @all

Our new Ezlo plugin for MyQ garage doors is about to be released. It is being validated. We will announce it on the forum in couple of days.

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MyQ plugin for Vera UI17 not detecting devices in my account? Is this plugin broken? Version 2.2