Chamberlain/Liftmaster MyQ Plugin

Installed everything, I put my username and password but the Child devices were never created. The device does show last update and the time. Reloaded the vera lite several times

What kind of garage door openers do you have? I assume the MyQ iPhone/android app works for you?

Sounds like my situation with a different MyQ device.

I have the MyQ gateway device. Yes my iPhone and Android app works fine

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I looked at the device list that strat has and mine and I can’t find any common elements differentiating openers. Everything appears to be different. I thought that MyQDeviceTypeId might work but no such luck so I simply added his typeid to the constants and will update the front page

Thanks for all of your work on this macrho! I’m pretty new to all of this, but have wanted a solution to integrate MyQ with vera, so I’m looking forward to getting this up and going. I’ve just downloaded the files and installed them. Was able to create the device, but am not seeing the username and password fields. I’ve reloaded several times, but still nothing–should I be rebooting instead?

Try reloading a couple more times, I’m not sure why it does this but will eventually find out. Could also try a reboot. I’ve slowed down a bit as my logs are proving difficult to access but hopefully I’ll have something polished ready soon

Rebooted and reloaded a bunch of times now–still not seeing any fields specifying username or password. I think I’ll step away from it for a bit now. I bet it will all be magically working when I come back in an hour! :smiley: Have to love vera…

I doubt it’s Vera, it’s most likely me not writing correct code. Are you getting any error messages on the MyQ startup?

No error messages that I can see. The device itself shows up, just no fields for username and password, unless I’m doing something really dumb and not looking in the right place… Is there a way to add them manually?

I downloaded MyQ3, if that makes any difference.

Try downloading the newest one:;topic=24715.0;attach=17795

Tried downloading the Gateway version, but still not seeing username/password fields. These should be in the advanced settings tab, correct? Just want to make sure I’m not doing something too dim…

Yes, it should show in the advanced tag. Perhaps try deleting the gateway in Vera and then recreate teh device.

OK, making progress I think. Now I’m getting an error saying username/password not entered. Probably a dumb question–do I need to input both the D_MyQGateway.xml file and the I_MyQGateway.xml file into the the device fields?

ETA, I did this and reloaded a couple of times and now I’m in! Now to figure out how to use it :slight_smile:

It should find all of your garage door openers and then create children devices. You’ll see a door lock device with the names you gave them in the iPhone or Android app. Then press lock or unlock and the doors will close or open

It’s working!!! So cool! Thanks for all of your work on this–got my yale lock and garage doors installed and working in just a few hours. I think that’s a record for me!

Excellent but I still have a bug to fix, after 14 hours or so the status no longer reports back. I also intend to poll more frequently after a change in state happens. Right now I poll every 90 seconds, I’m thinking every 9 seconds or so after lock or unlock is pressed. Happy it’s working for you - I’m learning as I go with Lua and Luup

Great, will be following this to upload the new version as you’re working out the kinks. Again, thanks! I’m still trying to figure out pleg, so I admire anyone willing to give lua/luup a shot.


I wanted to tell you I REALLY appreciate our efforts. This plugin will be extremely useful. Thanks


thanks for the kind comments but I believe I’m at a step where I’m stuck.

The plugin seems to stop working after a number of hours (unknown as of now)
The problem is that I cannot find where in the logs that the failure is happening
I have verbose logging set, in fact, all of the options under Setup | Logs are checked.
I’ve tried unselecting ‘Archive old logs on server’ but the setting never sticks.
I opened a support ticket and they said the logs would be in either:


Neither of them seem to have the previously generated logs. So, I’m kind of stuck at the moment