Arming Alarm with Door Lock PLEG Issue

Having issues with my first attempt at PLEG. Im sure its something simple that I’m missing.

I have a trigger - t_back_door_locked_by_button Back Door Lock: Lock button is pressed

Then I have a condition - c_back_door_locked_from_outside and the expression is simply “t_back_door_locked_by_button” without the quotes.

If I am understanding correctly, when I hit the lock button, t_back_door_locked_by_button should go true, making the condition run.

The action is simply sending a vera alert (for now just for testing - the long term idea is to have it arm my alarm when i lock the door from the outside). If i hit “Do it now” on the action, I get the alert fine, so something is obviously wrong in my logic.
I do have the PLEG virtual device armed as well.
I did the exact same thing via Vera scene and it worked fine so I know the lock provides instant status, but id really like to start doing more with PLEG so hopefully someone can tell me what I’m doing wrong so I can get this working in PLEG instead…

Welcome to PLEG …
When you have a question it’s always best to post the Output of the PLEG status report … then indicate the problem (i.e. trigger name or condition name)

You can print the PLEG Status report using any of a number of FREE PDFPrinter drivers. On my PCs I use the CutePDF printer.

[quote=“RichardTSchaefer, post:2, topic:188576”]Welcome to PLEG …
When you have a question it’s always best to post the Output of the PLEG status report … then indicate the problem (i.e. trigger name or condition name)

You can print the PLEG Status report using any of a number of FREE PDFPrinter drivers. On my PCs I use the CutePDF printer.[/quote]

Ahhhhh, that screen is going to be helpful, sorry I didnt catch that before.
I didn’t print the whole thing simply because I have other actions that are temporarily storing alarm codes and names, however, I screen capped the parts I figured were relevant and this does shed light on why its not working (just need to understand why)…
Seems PLEG shows c_door_locked_by_button as undefined, but the variable I am after (sl_LockButton) is showing correctly

You might try deleting the bad trigger and recreating it.

If you want the button trigger to go false … Just set the sl_button variable to 0 in an action.

(using the advanced tab select PLEG device, SetVariable action)

I will give that a try tonight when I have a chance, Thanks Richard.
One more question, is there a way to use a variable_watch as a trigger in pleg?

That’s what Input Device properties are!

Right, but what if there is a variable I want to watch, thats not listed? Eg. Would like to run some LUA on thermostat temperature change. That is not an option, currently I can only use “if temp above” or “if temp below”, I would just like it to run every time it changes. Nevermind… i understand what you mean about device properties now… doh!

Still cant get the door lock stuff working though. Works fine if I create it in a Vera scene. If I use PLEG, it doesnt run at all. No clue what Im doing wrong at this point.

EDIT: Also, clicking edit on any of the conditions does nothing… is this a limitation of the PLEG trial?

EDIT2: Attached a status report. The only trigger/action that actually works is alarm armed stay (which locks my back door).
I just tested with the other two, by going outside and locking my back door from outside. t_back_door_locked_by_button updates the “last false” time, but “last true” remains the same date/time that i originally set it up. t_back_door_unlocked_by_valid_pin “last true” time updates, but the condition is never run