Amazon Polly TTS alternative approach

You’re welcome and thank you for the kind words. Glad it worked out!

[quote=“mvader, post:6, topic:196611”]I did something similar. using polly, but instead of cloud-rendering on the fly, i wrote a cache system, so after is speaks a phrase, it’s cached and no re-rendering is needed.
it’s not like saying “the garage door is open” is going to change. so why render every time. cache and then play the cached file.
I do really like the whole aws and polly system. its well developed and has a ton of options.[/quote]

The Node.js Polly module includes a local cache by default It only connects to Polly once for each unique announcement. I just checked my AWS usage metrics, and I can confirm it works. All of my announcements have now been cached, and it hasn’t connected to Polly in over a month even though I use it every day.


Ive just had to create a new Docker for the sonos-http api and I have updated the settings.json with my amazon details and it looks to be sending request through ok, except Sonos reports an error ? See the following.

Unable to play 'google-60bc2345a7878b38383deoeowo3-Joanna.mp3' - the song is not encoded correctly

Is anyone else seeing this ?

Ok. Fixed the inclusion of the word Google at the start should have been a tel tale sign, as that is the default TTS engine - which means it was not reading my settings.json file with my amazon credentials…

Hi - I’ve been trying to use the Polly function to occasionally use a different voice, and while i can get that to work with one zone, (code below)

Polly ('While you are waiting. Here is a joke... What happens if a frog parks illegally. It gets toad..', 70, "office", "Geraint" )

I can’t make it play that voice across all zones…

I thought replacing “office” with “sayall” might work but sadly no, if anyone has this working please could they share.