Advanced Z-Wave options

Micasaverde, could you publish some brief guide on z-wave advanced options screen?

Reset options look misterious…

Activities such as Shift or Take over should display something when clicked - some kind of “waiting” message…

Added a bug report for waiting message:

And edited this page:

IMHO this screen needs some more clarification.

Those option said to be advanced, but there are some [size=7pt]advanced[/size] and a few [size=12pt]really advanced[/size] among them :slight_smile:
and it would be a good idea to get them clearly separated into two sections on that screen.

For example, copy to/from a controller and a default reset are “just advanced” - i.e. regular users are likely to use 'em at some stage.

SIS, SUC, shift and take over
do require to understand what user is doing, so you either should explain it in details on wiki, or put in into separate Advanced section. The same goes for Z-wave device params.

I would prefer to have it explained AND separate it on the screen, but it’s of course up to you to decide.

If functionality of some buttons is not yet implemented - either disable 'em, or pop up a message.

These extra Z-Wave options have been neglected until now. But with the 292 firmware out, our focus is on fixing any loose ends with Z-Wave stuff.

How are we coming along with working out the bugs?

almost done… testing the release now.